I don't normally call attention to myself on this blog, since I have Inland Empress for that. But I thought a few people, particularly book publicists, might want to know what happens to all those review copies.
Two weeks ago, I got a frantic call from a friend of mine. She knew I was looking to donate the books to a nearby elementary school, where teachers are perenially short of new materials. Would I be willing to donate a few books to Pitzer College, she asked? Could they come by tomorrow? Tomorrow early?
I thought she meant that Pitzer must have some sort of early education program and said sure, why not. I wondered where all that tuition money must go that they had to beg for free kids' books, but didn't question it. That is, until a professor emeritus called and asked for directions.
So, what exactly is this for, I asked.
Hurricane Katrina, she said, shocked that no one had told me. The books were being collected by the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, of which she was a member, to be loaded onto a semi rig along with donated clothes and toys and trucked down to the Astrodome in Houston.
My enthusiasm soared after that. I loaded about 120 books -- most rescued from the slush pile at the L.A. Times, some sent directly to me by publishers -- into shopping bags and cartons.
And now they're in Houston, perhaps in the hands of some of the hurricane's youngest victims. More capable people than myself are helping displaced families find jobs and housing; wealthier people are writing bigger checks than I ever could. Still, I feel like I did my small part.
Many thanks to those book publishers who send copies gratis; at least you know where a few of them wound up.
Such a relief to have those books wind up somewhere other than Half Price Books! Keep up the great work (donating, blogging, and otherwise)...
Posted by: Chris Barton | September 20, 2005 at 07:01 PM
Many thanks, Chris. I seriously never thought about selling them, though now that you mention it ...
Kidding! I'll keep donating. It gives me the warm fuzzies.
Posted by: Anne | September 21, 2005 at 08:19 AM