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November 30, 2005


Thanks for these thoughtful reviews.

One thing that always bugs me in discussions of Rosa Parks, especially explanations aimed at children, is the "Rosa Parks was just an ordinary woman who was tired and everything changed just because of her" approach. It minimizes Parks's previous experience in civil rights work, her identity as a conscious activist and her awareness of her place in the movement, and the collective action of the civil rights community. It sounds like the first book you cite falls into that trap, and the second doesn't.

Exactly. Thanks for putting it so succinctly. "Rosa" not only delves into her NAACP involvement, but emphasizes that she wasn't "tired" in any physical sense. Her exact words to the arresting officer were: "Why do you pick on us so?"

I loved to read these things and there is a chapter on Rosa Parks going on in my school.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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