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January 15, 2006


Next time, I'll remember to include a card with the URL to this site on it. This way we might gain a reader, even if he/she is a crook.

Not fun, Anne! I hope the library in Scottsdale doesn't have high fines. And, I hope it doesn't cost too much to fix up your bumper.

It's been a frustrating week in our household. We all have colds too, plus I'm getting my butt kicked in the BoB contest.

I'm going back to bed. Wake me up next week.

EXTREMELY off topic, but our former German exchange student sent us a Christmas package on November 12.

We received it on January 12.

Preparing for a BOB visit.

I voted for you on BoB. We just got Llama Llama Red Pajama and it is a huge hit with our one year old son.

Many thanks, both of you!

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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Member since 04/2004