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February 16, 2006


go, Anne, go! Funny satirical poetry for children would be GREAT.

I had nothing to do with the gang up by your family. But they're right (at least about this.)

I agree with Susan and Brett, Anne. Go for it! It's my goal as well...Keep up with the market and when one of my 2 MGs are ready...off they go. Not to mention how much fun it is as well.

I'm glad you want to write! It's a natural next step! You've immersed yourself in books, now you can write your own. Just take small steps and soon it will be an entire book! :-)

Wow, thanks for the kind words.

I've been slaving away at a fiction career, on and off, for about 14 years now with nothing to show for it. Maybe it'll go easier now that I'm switching to kids' books.

I've already started outlining a poem about a haunted toaster. Oh dear.

I would think that it would be tougher to write for children rather than adults, but perhaps it depends on the individual. My wife is very good with early elementary children, and I tend to be fairly good with adults...so as a result, we ended up teaching a junior high Sunday School for a couple of months. Heh.

However, you definitely have to watch out when writing to younger people. Years ago, there were some siblings that would visit our house, and they would ALWAYS want to watch our Yogi Bear movie video. Every time. One day, the four year old boy arrived and asked to watch the video, and we said, "Yogi died." Immediate silence from the boy. "Yogi DIED?!?" he asked as the tears started appearing.

I've seen your adult writing and the sophistication within it; I'll be looking forward to your material for your new audience.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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