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March 22, 2006


What a very cool idea for a book. I can go back as far as my great-great-grandmother on both sides. I apparently come from a long and undistinguished line of Polish peasants. :-)

I might track this one down - thanks for the review. It's a great idea for a book. On my mother's side of the family we have a "China Dog" that gets passed down from mother to daughter and has been for about 150 years. My grandmother gave it to my mother when I was about 16 and sent me the story of how the dog got to us in Canada. That sparked my interest for geneology.



Most of my known family history is in Ukraine. That part of the family was pushed out by Russian anti-semitism and the Plague, I think.

Wow, love the "China Dog" tradition -- how absolutely lovely. I wish we had something like that in our family. I come from a long line of farmers who came here from Germany, mostly. I've toyed with the idea of writing historical fiction set in Zoar, a 19th-century Ohio commune founded by about 300 German religious separatists, including some of my ancestors, who followed some pretty strict rules -- including enforced celibacy to keep the population down (although they gave that up after about a decade). Now I'm thinking the first step would be to do the geneology for my kids in the style of this book.

It sounds fascinating.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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