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April 26, 2006


The reason I have linked to Amazon with my book covers is I DO try to model good copyright practice. (I do slip once and a while but I try.) I could not think of a way to display bookcovers without seeking permission of each publisher so I started linking to Amazon. I figured being an Associate gives me those rights.

I don't believe I ever violated any copyrights for 2 reasons:

1. I was saving the pics from Amazon and even following their instructions for doing so.

2. I do believe it's covered under the "fair use doctrine" of U.S. copyright laws. This stipulates that you CAN reproduce elements of a book for the purpose of a review.

I routinely email links of my reviews to publicists and none has ever asked me to stop reproducing the covers.

Nonetheless, it's an interesting question. I have a good friend who's an attorney specializing in intellectual property and she'll likely have a better answer.

Meanwhile, I'd be happy to hear what others do.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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