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April 12, 2006


oh, darn it. Too bad this one wasn't good. Any other recommendations for Passover books for the picture book crowd? I know I'm late, there's still plenty of interest here! I'll check your sidebar, too.

I'll ask my son's pre-school teacher, maybe she'll have a recommendation. Otherwise, I was thinking of looking around for a good children's haggadah.

Barron's "Let's Celebrate Series" also came out with a workbook called "More Than Matzoh" that looked okay for older kids.

I may have to get back to you on this one.

Thank you, Anne. Picture books (on any number of subjects) often help me out, too! My version of Passover left something to be desired; my son clearly didn't trust my story of the events. I think he picked up a little more at Passover with the cousins, though.

I hope you had a happy Passover. My son refused to eat the peanut butter and matzoh sandwiches we made him. Then there was the leftover Easter ham a friend served us for dinner one night. Fortunately, Brett and I kept our sense of humor and had a great time.

Will ask around for Passover books for you. Meanwhile, you can rent "Prince of Egypt" or "The 10 Commandments" and try to not snicker at all the camp.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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