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May 14, 2006


Argh, tell me about it. The technical stuff makes me so crazy, and I have a techie husband too.

I link to Powells, which is pretty simple. I would probably make more linking to Amazon, but I disapprove of them on so many levels, I just can't do it.

Gosh, Web, I guess you're a real person. I deleted a comment yesterday that I thought was spam. I'm so embarrassed!

Yes, Amazon (like Google and MicroSoft) are part of a vast mind-control experiment run by humorless, hygiene-challenged geeks. Nonetheless, it remains the best way to connect all these great authors to their book-buying public, short of shuttling them to a bookstore myself.

Welcome to Book Buds. Sorry for the mistake. :-)

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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