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May 21, 2006


Hey, I would love to email you, but can't find your email - so I am comment on an old post hoping it is sent to your email. Cool, huh?

Anyway, I put out a challenge on my blog and I would love for you to participate. Come check it out. I'll put up some rules tomorrow. I think it will be fun - and could even be a promotion tool, if any of us knows how to do that.

If you could issue an invitation to the bloggers you catch, that would be great. I know that you have some links and get some traffic that I do not get, so I'd love to use your connections. The more the merrier.

You'll be on my blogroll when I update it. Or when I get someone to help me update it. Not that I'm bribing you, I just wanted to explain my I hadn't linked here yet. You run a nice site.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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Member since 04/2004