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May 30, 2006


I agree. And it has my vote for the Caldecott this year. No chance, but still my vote.

I also loved that it's the Prince who pines for marriage. Nice turnaround for a change.

My own prince is a reluctant groom, to say the least. Your daughter must propose marriage at every playdate, but he only wants to swing. Typical guy.

None of her matrimonial prospects seem too keen on the idea. She wasn't either after we told her she'd have to leave Mommy and Daddy once she got married. Then she decided we were wrong, and told us that a wedding is really just a good excuse to host a ball, which she feels we should do as soon as possible.

Why no chance for a Caldecott? Are the judges partial to traditional-type illustrations? They'd be missing out.

I think Lauren Child is ineligible for a Caldecott because she's British.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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