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May 13, 2006


All that schlepping keeps my arms in shape.

I think that's neat! I've been giving my review copies away to friends and nieces, but I do like the idea of finding out where they're needed most. Of course, I'm pretty new to the whole thing, so I don't actually have all that many review copies to worry about. But still... It's a nice idea.

Jen: Don't worry, you'll soon have more than your bookshelves can handle! And your Mommy friends will be happy to take a few copies off your hands. The books all find good homes eventually. :-)

Did I read it correctly when you said, "The books will go to elementary schools in my county"? I didn't know that the Los Angeles Times even knew of your county's existence...

Well, that's what the lady promised me. If the books end up in Compton or Watts, that's okay too.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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