Oho! I feel the joy of discovery. Not of a new book (which is always swell) but of a new book blog. A big shout out to A Readable Feast from Anne-Marie Nichols over at ClubMom (I'm a member too. Hooray!)
She's actually getting paid for this, which is fine with me. Just fine. Oh yeah, I'm jealous, biiiggg time. But if anyone deserves a paid gig, she does.
Anne-Marie was one of the first people to link to my old Mommy blog, Inland Empress, from her two fine sites A Mama's Rant and This Mama Cooks! which won best cooking blog a couple years ago from the folks who hand out these kinds of awards.
She's a very cool person, fantastic Mom and one of these organized, involved types that I always envy. Good luck, Anne-Marie!
Thank you, thank you (blowing kisses in the direction of the Inland Empire and hoping that the Rockies don't block 'em).
And the feeling is mutual!
Posted by: Anne-Marie | June 02, 2006 at 02:35 PM
Whoops, just saw this. My pleasure!
Posted by: Anne | June 05, 2006 at 01:07 PM