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June 12, 2006


Aw, man. A CD would have been good. As a former resident of Music City, USA (that's Nashville), I might have to get my hands on this book, Anne. Thanks. If you're looking for Jimmie Rodgers songs, Steve Forbert recorded an excellent album of 'em a few years ago. Love Steve Forbert.

Thanks! I'd never heard of him before this book, to be honest. "O Brother" piqued my curiosity for a while, but this book has renewed my interest.

Another great Jimmie Rodgers tribute is "Same Train, A Different Time" by Merle Haggard (who I guess just missed the cut for inclusion in "Honky-Tonk Heroes"). It was a double LP released around 1970, and I picked up a copy at Goodwill when my older son was a baby. Dancing around with me to Side 4 must have put him (my son, not Merle Haggard) to sleep dozens of times.

I'm completely intrigued now. Thanks. I still wish the book had its own CD though.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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