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July 15, 2006


I just discovered your blog...and this post is great! Don't forget to mention how hard these babies are to shelve (I used to work at a bookstore...never neat and always damaging the books next to them!)

Excellent post, thank you, thank you. These are the sort of things I regift (I'm just a book-crazy home educating mother, not a bookseller or librarian, though my husband might quibble with that last one), though I feel guilty giving them to people's children I know and like, so I put them in the box I save for Santas Anonymous, sigh...

The only exception I've made is for a book with Lego, though that was really more like Lego with a manual, and thank heavens it even lives in the Lego tub.

Rockin' post, Anne!

I don't know if you all can tell, but I felt pretty strongly about this. It's been getting much worse very quickly, hence my sense of alarm.

Grace: I didn't think of the shelving aspect. I kinda dump them in a pile, but I guess that's not an option for a bookstore ;-)

Becky: Don't feel badly about "re-gifting" (love the word). I do the same, or donate them, same as you. What else can you do? It seems a shame to toss them.

Kelly: *blush* Thanks.

But if I didn't bring 'em home, you wouldn't have known to write this post!

I was wondering if this was increasing or if it was my imagination. I was over at the new Books-a-Million and sure enough there was a ton and I mean ton of junk like this. Something interesting I saw along the same lines came from the author Jane Yolen's journal....she writes during a visit to the UK that "Back at Harper they showed me the package they were working on: the paperback editions of the three HOW DO DINOS big books in a box with five wonderful plastic dinos." It seems publishers are even trying this with well respected and sure thing authors.

It smacks of desperation, doesn't it?

More books, not more toys--I agree! I found your post through the Carnival of Children's Literature--I've linked too.

Many thanks! I'll be by to visit your blog very soon too.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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