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October 19, 2006


This is the guilty secret of many a mom. I can't tell you how many weird friends I have who wanna do one of the Wiggles.

Now for me.... Steve. Steve, all the way.

Oh, I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone. When I've been brave enough to mention my feelings to another mom, she'll just look at me and smile and say nothing. It jut makes me feel like maybe I don't get out enough.

And those Wiggles! I don't know their names but the little curly-haired one is a cutie.

I posted about the Cybils in my book blog today. I'd love to write up an article about it and submit it to the local papers and those which I contribute to regularly - Might you and Kelly email me some quotes for the piece? What inspired you to create the awards? A list of rules and deadlines as you wish them to be printed would also be fantastic. I'll post this to Kelly too. -- Little Willow

To Anne Levy,
Please contact me in regards to the name Historically Hysterical.
That has been used by my business since 2003.
[email protected]

Squid Sauce and Chopped Gobo

Hairy trees with beared boughs

Roaming the ailes in search of fish eyes.

Why do some lights cast point sources (images, shadows made of light) on the surface of the water and others are search lights bridging the gap from shore to shore.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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Member since 04/2004