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October 20, 2006


Thanks, for the award. It's always fun writing silly stuff.

By the way, my Poetry Friday piece has been posted at the Blue Rose Girls Blog.

I included a link to the Cybil award site and a suggestion readers nominate their favorite children's poetry book of 2006.

Thanks! I enjoyed the contest. Usually I'd try the funny route but I've had a thing for Mars ever since reading Heinlein's "Red Planet" and "Podkayne of Mars".

Thanks to both of you for your fabulous entries, and enjoy the book. It'll be on its way to you soon.

Anne, how you manage to do this, and Poetry Friday, and everything to do with the Cybils I find truly amazing! I am in awe.

Simple: I let the kids play in traffic. A little neglect is good for the soul.

I got the book the other day! Signed by the author and everything! It is totally sweet! I'm sure I'll eventually let my kids look at it but for now I'm hogging it. Thanks for a great contest!

Hog away. They can read it after you're good and ready to let them!

Glad you enjoyed the contest. I think this was such a good idea, I'm already trying to think of a new contest idea.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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Member since 04/2004