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March 07, 2007


It's such a funny book. Junior reads this one repeatedly.

"Recidivist imp"--great phrase, Anne!

It's up there with Mini Grey's "Traction Man" as one of the more richly imagined children's books. Funny stuff.

Just read this today at the library. Loved it. Can't wait to show it to my girls, who are on the older end of picture book appreciation being seven and ten. But this seems like the kind of picture book that needs an older kid perspective to really get it.

Yes, MR, I agree. I think its humor is largely lost on 4-6 y.o. but I've been wrong before.

Great review. The book seems to provoke a strong response in people, positively and negatively (though I think the positives outnumber the negs by quite a bit).

Notice the interesting cultural divide being expressed in the comments area over at Amazon.com where the book is being sold. Notice also that Barnes and Noble seems to be refusing to carry the book in stores, presumably due to fear of courting "controversy."

I didn't know that about B&N. How sad that people don't get the wry humor, or somehow think their little girl will be the only one without a rebellious streak.

All great characters -- in books for kids and grownups -- are larger than life. The girl in "17 Things" is no more realistic than Harry Potter. But then, look at all the folks who hate him too.

Thanks for stopping by, Mr. B.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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