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April 11, 2007


Thanks for the write-up. Wish I could have seen it!

Last night my 8yr old and I were at a ballet where lots of other kids were in attendence (it was Cinderella). She loved it, but at one point I told her to sit up so she could see better (Cinderella's shoe was on the stage itself.) She didn't respond so I whispered it again. In that loud voice that kids must dig out of their soul to embarass parents she said, "I can see fine!" Gotta love it.

Glad you got to the reading. It sounds like it was great fun.

Thanks, both of you. Yes, kids have that special instinct for embarrassing us. Just wait until adolescence, though. We'll be back with a vengeance.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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