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April 11, 2007


Yay, Anne! I am so happy to hear of your involvement with the Poetry Foundation and its awesome web site!


If anyone was deserving of having a poem about a cigar-smokin' piggy dedicated to her, who else could it be...but you?

Wow...working with the Poetry Foundation! It sounds like fun to me. There's nothing like a little poetic pizzazz in one's life to lift the spirits.

If I haven't thanked you enough already, Susan, I'm sending even more warm, fuzzy thoughts your way.

And, Elaine, my husband is now very jealous and has been trying to come up with a poem in my honor. I suspect I won't be able to recite it in polite company, however.

I suspect not.

Congrats, Anne. That is fabulous news about the freelance editing!

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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