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April 24, 2007


Have fun in upsate NY. I am jealous. The thought of the place makes me nostalgic. I lived in Ithaca for 3 years (78-81) ,plus other places upstate for 9.

I like Ithaca--it is the town that time seems to have forgotten in many ways. When I have visited recently I found it very easy to be transported back to a gentler time circa 1978....left me with a need to wear Indian print wrap skirts and sandals ...plus I craved home made bread, a la Moosewood and Cabbagetown.....

Oh, my. I think I am dealing with suburbia overload lately.

Happy travels Anne -

And if I don't shout about my book....who will? (besides all you great blogging wonders who I pester incessantly!)

Who knows - maybe one day I'll actually finish that second book to give me something new to crow about! Loudly.

yer the best -

You may like a Pond Scum Video Book Review. Check it out!

Hey! Jules just pointed me over here - my husband just recently got hired to teach set design and scenic painting at Ithaca College. We went househunting last weekend, and I saw that set when we dropped by the theatre!

Congrats to your nephew - he seems super-talented!

Thanks, all. The Count of Monte Cristo was spectacular and we have high hopes for my nephew. Another musical he composed the score for (in high school, no less) is casting in Virginia this summer for a pre-Broadway trial. We're super proud of him.

Good luck to Eisha on your big move! Ithaca's a great college and pretty, pretty town.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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