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September 21, 2007


This is cool! I can imagine it being fun to teach to kids -- the faster-and-faster thing always is a fun challenge.

Believe it or not, it's the parents who have the harder time! We all sound like wheezing livestock. The kids really get into it.

Thank you for this. I'll come back and listen whenever I need a little shalom (salaam.) I love the way peace is both peaceful and joyous in this song.

Thank you so much, for this touch of beauty and peace in my day.

Wishing peace to you, Anne.

Many thanks, Jen and everyone. Wow, I had no idea this was going to affect everyone this way.

Have a wonderful Day of Peace, all!

Neat. I think I even heard a little didgeridoo in there.

Peace and all best wishes for the New Year, Anne.

That is so beautiful and moving! Thank you!

I love this song!

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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