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October 23, 2007


250 books and counting...

We should BE so lucky that the counting continues. Yay for the Q&A! And what a fun contest! I wish I was ten and could enter!

Me too. Kids have all the fun. Sheesh.

What about kids at heart? I sense age discrimination here.

I thought it was a great Q&A.

Thanks for posting this Q&A. I love Jane Yolen, not only for the work she's done herself, but for her encouragement of other writers. I've opened a number of books that had Jane Yolen in the dedication page or the acknowlegements.

Alkelda: I agree she's an amazing influence and muse for so many writers. And I love that she's open to us bloggers interviewing her and takes us seriously (she even has a blog).

Well, it's a journal (not interactive) rather than a blog. But thanks for the nice words everybody.


I love her advice to novice reviewers and reviewing bloggers, especially "take joy."

Man, I wish my girls were old enough to do this.

Great interview. She doesn't mince words, does she? I like that.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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