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October 09, 2007


You should teach a college course on this!

It was a great presentation, and I was surprised at some of the reactions in the audience. I've been given a ton of stuff to think about.

Your presentation was fantastic, Anne. It was incredibly informative, delivered in an engaging way and your handouts will serve as great resources for many people for a long time.


Thanks, Anne. I linked this piece and talked about it some at a post at C.S. today.

Wow, Anne! Thanks for posting this! It's thoughtful and wonderfully detailed and gives us so much to think about.

Many thanks! All I was trying to do is to give you a broad outline of the possibilities. I'm so glad people were interested, even if the introvert in me still has trouble believing it.

And if you all haven't checked out Mark's podcast presentation, you should (unless you had the good fortune to see it in person).

Thanks again.

This is fascinating stuff. I am learning a lot from you!

Is there any way I can get more on this? Your handouts, perhaps? I'm relatively new to blogging and the kidlitosphere -- I didn't know about the conference until it was over and couldn't have attended anyway, but I'm interested.

Yes, Alysa -- email me with your snail mail address at anne (at) bookbuds (dot) net and I'll drop one in the mail later this week.


Phenomenal post, Anne. Helpful and useful, both. I wish I'd been there!

I too wish I'd been there! I have to admit that I've shied away from proper reviews on my blog, having somewhat burned out on 200-word capsule reviews; after years and years of writing them for a local review group, I wanted to be able to be looser and more conversational en blogge. But I'm ready now to think about other ways to approach reviewing and maybe make it both interesting (for me and whoever my readers are) and rigorous.

It was a great presentation. I was rapt, and I don't even review books!

It was a great talk, Anne. And I'm so impressed that you found time to write it all up to make it accessible to more people. I should do that for my discussion panel, too. Yes, I really should...

It was a GREAT presentation! You really made me think about how I've been reviewing and how I can do a better job. Thanks!

Thanks for posting this great information, Anne. It's really helpful, and I wish I could have seen your presentation.

This is a lot to think about. How did you get to be so smart?

Hey all: Ohmigosh, I should stay up late for weeks on end fretting more often! Oh wait, that does pretty much describe my whole life.

I'm grateful to many good professors and editors over the years, where much of this information came from (distilled into 55 rapid-fire minutes).

Thanks for everyone's support. I worried this wouldn't go down easily, since everyone already works so hard on their blogs.

You all rock! Now get out there and slam something ...

This info is so helpful. There is so little professional help available for writing reviews. I have tried to take advantage of one of the things that you suggested--reading quality print book reviews--but I wish there were more resources.


Susan over at Chicken Spaghetti had a post on the heels of mine about book reviewing:


She mentions a book that's now on my wishlist about reviewing. It sounds like it might be the resource you're looking for.

Thanks for stopping by!

Your handout sounds really informative -- but rather than have you mail out oodles of hardcopies, would you/could you post it for download or e-mail it? I write hundreds of 2-sentence annotations a year, and lots of what I suppose are capsule reviews. Any and all help is welcome!

Nice site ;)

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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