There's another podcast to add to my little list (on the sidebar to your left; scroll down a tad). Sabrina Weissler of "Children's Book Radio" brings new interviews and discussions with authors and illustrators for our online listening pleasure several times a month.
Okay, she's not really new. She's up to Episode 39, in which she gives me a shout-out, with all kinds of flattering and obviously untrue things about Book Buds. *blush* Check out the full index.
There are some familiar names on her list, like Jane Yolen and Kadir Nelson, if you wanna give a listen. Authors love to blab about their books, and it's a little like having one come over and chat for a while. Sabrina's interview style is very relaxed and non-intrusive, so you get plenty of the subject's personality shining through.
I feel incomplete without a cup of tea in my hands though (longtime readers know I'm an addict).
Oh, and here's the link again.
Off to put the kettle on ...