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April 30, 2008


Wow, you left a lot of detail out when you described the whole thing to me.

Congratulations on a job well done! It sounds like, whether you get the job or not, you can be proud of your performance at the interview. Good luck, and I hope that you either get this job, or find the perfect job for you if this isn't it. Shouldn't being the founder/organizer/administrator of an international awards program count for something on your resume?

Congratulations on a job well done! It sounds like, whether you get the job or not, you can be proud of your performance at the interview. Good luck, and I hope that you either get this job, or find the perfect job for you if this isn't it. Shouldn't being the founder/organizer/administrator of an international awards program count for something on your resume?

Ack. Sorry for the duplicate post. My browser timed out the first time, and I thought it didn't post.

Hey, no problem. I liked your comment so much, I read both :-)

Thanks for the support. I'm still very nervous about the upheaval this will create for my family, but I'm remaining optimistic.

I really hope you get the job, Anne. You're an inspiration to the rest of us frustrated, unfulfilled moms unable to achieve self-actualization among the sippy cups and playdates.

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Anne Boles Levy

Literary Weed Whackers

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Member since 04/2004