In the time of awards season, some of you may be wondering, why another children's book award? We've already mentioned that we seek to strike a balance with our awards, by finding the best in kid-friendly, entertaining, and worthy books for the youngsters.
But, there's another reason behind The Cybils. Many genres are overlooked during awards season, most notably Poetry, Graphic Novels, and Non-fiction. To that end, we seek to find the best books in a number of genres, giving equal attention to fiction and non fiction titles.
And, it has paid off. Forty books have made the long list for Non-fiction Picture Books and now we present 37 titles for Non-fiction (Middle Grade and YA). Mindy of has coordinated this category and presents the list of nominated titles:
Non-fiction (Middle Grade and YA)
101 Things to do Before You're Old and Boring
written by Richard Horne and Helen Szirtes
Walker Books for Young Readers
written by Audrey Brashich
Walker Books for Young Readers
Amazing Leonardo da Vinci Inventions You Can Build Yourself
written by Maxine Anderson
Rebound by Nomad Press
written by Jennifer Armstrong; illustrations by Roger Roth
Knopf Books for Young Readers
written by Dorothy Hinshaw Patent; photography by William Munoz
Clarion Books
written by Eric Schlosser and Charles Wilson
Houghton Mifflin
Edward Jenner, Conqueror of Smallpox
written by Ana Maria Rodriguez
Enslow Publishers
written by Sid Fleischman
written by Jane Yolen; recipes by Heidi E. Y. Stemple; illustrated by Philippe Beha
Crocodile Books
written by Russell Freedman
Holiday House
Good Fortune: My Journey to Gold Mountain
written by Li Keng Wong
Peachtree Publishers
written by Kathy Kacer
Second Story Press
written by Tomie DePaola
Putnam Juvenile
written by Alan Wolf
Lark Books
written and illustrated by James McPherson
written by Kathleen Krull; illustrated by Boris Kulikov
Viking Juvenile
written by Dennis Brindell Fradin and Judith Bloom Fradin
Clarion Books
written by Susan Buckley and Elspeth Leacock; illustrated by Randy Jones
Houghton Mifflin
Little People and a Lost World
written by Linda Goldenberg
Twenty-First Century Books
written by Nadja Halilbegovich
Kids Can Press
written by Deborah Noyes
Houghton Mifflin
written and illustrated by Brandon and Mindy Withrow
Christian Focus Publications
written and illustrated by Janice Weaver
Maple Tree Press
written by Sandra Markle
Millbrook Press
Robert Cormier: Daring to Disturb the Universe
written by Patty Campbell
Delacorte Books for Young Readers
written by Carla Killough McClafferty
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
written by Jacqueline Adams
Lucent Books
written by Kelly Milner Halls, Rick Spears, Roxyanne Young
Darby Creek Publishing
written by Catherine Thimmesh
Houghton Mifflin
Teddy's Travels: America's National Parks
written by Trefoni Michael Rizzi
TDB Press
written by Rachel Dickinson
Nomad Press
Trapped in Ice!: An Amazing Whaling Adventure
written by Martin Sandler
Scholastic Nonfiction
Tsunami: The True Story of an April Fools' Day Disaster
written by Gail Karwoski; illustrated by John MacDonald
Darby Creek Publishing
edited by Leonard S. Marcus
written by Terry Deary; illustrated by Martin Brown
Scholastic Reference
written and illustrated by Dennis Fradin
Dutton Juvenile
written by Gail Carson Levine
Hi there,
Just wanted to let you know that Amazing Leonardo da Vinci Inventions You Can Build Yourself by Maxine Anderson is published by Nomad Press, not Sagebrush. Please let me know if you have questions.
Lauri at Nomad
Posted by: Lauri Berkenkamp | November 27, 2006 at 07:08 AM
All fixed. Thanks, Lauri.
Posted by: Anne | November 27, 2006 at 08:16 AM
Just a comment on Peril and Peace - it is illustrated by Jonathan Williams as he is the cover designer.
Posted by: Catherine Mackenzie | November 27, 2006 at 12:45 PM