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November 26, 2006



Some Amazon links don't work-such as the Into the Woods link.


Hey, Jennifer, I'm not ignoring you, don't worry. Unfortunately, I won't have a chance until tonight or early tomorrow to check the links and straighten them out. It's probably just some bad code.

Thanks for pointing it out.

RM1(SS) (ret)

And the Amazon wish list expands again....

Sheila Ruth

Oh, sorry about that. "Into the Woods" is not published yet in the U.S., so it's not on Amazon.com. Anne or Kelly, if you change that link to Amazon.co.uk it should work.

Alex de Campi

Hey, I hate to be a pain (I've just posted a similar request for a book I wrote in the Graphic Novel nominations) but AGENT BOO is really a co-effort between me and the illustrator Edo Fuijkschot, and I was wondering if you would mind putting his name on the nomination as well? I'm so honoured that our book was nominated for a Fantasy/Sci-Fi Cybil (look, Ma! Up there with Ursula LeGuin!) but I feel a bit like I'm getting too much credit without Edo being given a nod too.


No prob. All fixed. We aim to please.

Sheila Ruth

So sorry about that! You're right, I should have given the illustrator fair credit for a collaboration like this. Thanks, Anne, for fixing it. I've fixed it in the listing on my site, as well.

Elaine Magliaro

The Amazon link for WABI isn't working.


Fixed. Tx.

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