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February 24, 2007



Yay!! That's fantastic!

Jennifer, Snapshot

That is really cool! I do know that publishers value the input of bloggers, and this whole blog-based award will just continue to validate their efforts to advertise by supplying review copies to get the word out.

Little Willow

I wish we could track the circulation in libraries and the sales through independent bookstores (BookSense.com for example).


There should be a "blogging bestseller list" of some sort, which tracks what books are getting the most buzz on blogs and if there's a corresponding sales increase.

It'd be like marrying Technorati to Amazon rankings somehow.

Wendy Betts


Joyce Moyer Hostetter

Wow! That article explains alot. I have been wondering how to interpret those fluctuating numbers. Thanks for connecting me to an explanation! And so glad the numbers show evidence of Cybils clout!


Excellent! I hope you got credit for the click throughs and purchases!

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