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February 14, 2007



Hurrah! What a great list! Kudos to everyone involved.

Bonny Becker

Great list. Great job everyone!


And a huge thank you to Kelly and Anne for bringing this immense task to fruition. It was a true joy to participate.

Little Willow

Wow, hurrah, and kudos to every nominee and each committee member! Special thanks to Kelly and Anne, the Cybils starters, the wonderful, glowing parents of this brainchild!


Nicely done!

Justine Larbalestier

That is a great list. I've loved everyone that I've read. Particularly big yay for Nick and Norah!

Mitali Perkins

Hooray for A Drowned Maiden's Hair! A truly old-fashioned, curl-up-by-the-fire read with a post-millenial heroine to cheer for! Thanks to all the judges and to the Cybils committee.

Mitali Perkins

BTW, could you add a link to the post about the finalists for people just coming here so they can get some press, too? I LOVED all of our five middle grade fiction finalists.


Woo Hoo for Jonathan (and Bartimaeus !!)

And thanks for publishing the list early - I can go to bed now ! ;-D

Elaine Magliaro

Thanks again, Anne and Kelly, for your great idea and for all your hard work and organization.

I ordered five of the Cybils winners through this site today--thanks to the suggestion of Jen Robinson.

I really enjoyed serving as a member of the poetry nominating panel.

Sherry Early

Thanks to all for a great reading and blogging experience.


What a great list. Thank you all for getting this started.

Mary Lee


It was great being involved in this as a member of the nominating committee for graphic novels! I hope I get to do it again next year!

Super list -- great winners -- a big hug to the organizers -- fabulous work!


Thank you, all. Remember to keep checking us next week and for several more weeks. More fun to come! There'll be interviews with winning authors and illustrators, plus several more chances to gripe, kvetch and holler. Stay tuned ...

Oh, and Mitali, I did insert a link to the short lists just below where I signed our names.

Snow Wildsmith

Thanks so much for letting me be a part of the first ever Cybil Awards. There were some great titles to pick from and it was a lot of fun getting to work with such a great group of people. I look forward to next year!

Barbara Ferrer

CONGRATULATIONS to all of the winners and finalists and let me take this opportunity to say again, how honored I was to be nominated.

And a very special thank you and congratulations to all the panelists-- y'all did a fabulous job!


I'm honored to have been a part, too. Thanks. Love the list. Love that A Drowned Maiden's Hair won (and LOVE the blurb for it -- who wrote that little masterpiece?)

Gregory K.

Thanks for all the hard work, Anne and Kelly. A fine list of winners, indeed!


What an amazing amount of work and an amazing job you all have done! In awe & admiration...


Hurray for Butterfly Eyes!

And a big hurray for Anne and Kelly, and Susan our poetry wrangler. It was great good fun to be part of the Cybils, and an especial thrill this first year. Many, many thanks, and now to check the rest of the results...


I loved being a part of this and seeing the Cybils gain momentum. Congrats to all of the winners and those that made the short list.

Patty Uttaro

Thanks to Anne & Kelly for getting this award off the ground, and special thanks to Jen Robinson for helping organize the YA Fiction category. I feel honored to have been a judge and can tell you it was *hard* to pick a winner because all the books were fabulous.


Here is a special shout-out not only to the poetry winner "Butterfly Eyes and Other Secrets of the Meadow" but also to the other four finalists--"Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich," "Handsprings," "Jazz," and "Tour America"--and the previous 20+ nominees suggested by readers from all over!

Julia Durango

Congratulations to everyone involved -- winners, finalists, and nominees, as well as the amazing volunteer blogger force who made this happen. You made it look so easy! :-)

Lauren Baratz-Logsted

Congratulations to all the winners, nominees, panelists and judges!


Everyone, please give a big THANKS to Julia too, who bought several ads for her excellent blog, "Three Silly Chicks."

We really appreciate the support.



Congrats to the winning books and their authors! And once again, thanks for letting me be a part of this wonderful project.

a. fortis

What an excellent list of winners--great work, judges! I was so honored and excited to be part of the nominating committee and already can't wait until next year.

Anne-Marie, A Reable Feast

Yay, more great book suggestions!

This was a lot of fun. Thank you for inviting me to judge. Also, the kids can't wait until next year. After all, how often do I read them five books in a row before bedtime?


CONGRATS to all the winners (I just read Nick & Norah and LOVED it and I can't wait to read some of the others!) CONGRATS also to all the participants in the Cybils, it was a great idea and I think VERY well executed - can't wait until next year!


What a great list of winners - I'd love to have every book in my library!
Bravo for the organizers, and the winners!


We're mightily honored by the honor for Nick & Norah! Much thanks to all the dedicated Cybils organizers.


Applause to all of you who have worked so hard to make this possible. Thank you for a wonderful list of new books I need to read!

Kimberly Willis Holt

Thank you for selecting WAITING FOR GREGORY as one of your finalists. I'm honored that my book was considered among such a fine group of books. I'm sure Gabi feels the same. Congratulations, Melanie! I love Scaredy Squirrel!




I can tell you as a picture book judge how much fun it was to see five great titles on the list. You didn't make our decision very easy, y'know!

Congrats to you and Gabi both for making the short list.

Library Lady

Can I be the grump here? While I applaud your hard work and fine choice of titles, you really need a separate picture book division for YOUNG children's books. And by young I mean 0-3 year olds and perhaps even a separate section for board books!


You're not a grump, Library Lady. The idea has already been suggested and we will likely have another category for the wee 'uns next year.

This year our only goal was to get this contest up and running. We weren't sure how many people would volunteer to judge, so we kept the number of categories small.

Next year will likely be another story entirely, as they say!

Laurel Snyder

I'm so embarassed I haven't read much from the list. I ahve a LOT of catching up to do....

This is a great site, and idea!


xoLaurel Snyder

Linda Mercer

Will you update this blog with 07-08 nominations?

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