

Hi Folks,
There's a typo in the annotation for the first book. The summary begins on the line for the publisher.

Thanks for all your work helping us get the list whittled down. Now the hard work begins!

Jeannine Atkins

Fiona and others, There are some lovely books here, I know, and I'll look for the others that I haven't read. Wonderful job!


What a great list!


The judges have their work cut out for them, that's for sure!

And to give credit where credit is due, the book blurbs were written by panelists Debbie and Tricia.

Nancy Bo Flood

Nancy Bo Flood

A stirring unfolding of subjects and "voices." What a menu of thoughts, places, and ideas. A pleasure for any adult or "big kid" to read and for any age listener to hear. Thank you for celebrating these books.
Nancy Bo Flood
author of Sand to Stone and Navajo Year

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