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February 14, 2010



What a stunning line-up! Congratulations to all!

Kara (Tardisgrl)

Huzzah! The final list at last. Congratulations to all the winners--what a fantastic list! And a big well done to all the panelists and judges who worked so hard to compile it.


Fabulous list! (A few of my faves aren't there, but so many good ones are!)

Thanks to the judges!

Kim Baccellia

Congrats, winners! Thanks also to the judges!

Carol Wilcox

A great, great, great list of terrific books to share with kids (and grownups)! Thanks to all who work so hard to organize this for the rest of us!

Rasco from RIF

Congratulations to all the winners with applause as well to the organizers, nominators and judges. A great team effort, a true labor of literacy love!

Joni Sensel

Congrats to the great winners and thanks so much to all the Cybils judges, panelists, coordinators, and nominators! Pleased to see some familiar names in every category!

Little Willow

Congratulations to all of the winners, the nominees, the panelists, and the coordinators! A lot of work, time, and eyestrain goes into the Cybils, and every person counts. :)


Congratulations to all the winners!!

kristin cashore

*does a double-take*

Well, thank you so much! What fabulous news on a sunny day. Thanks to all the hard-working panelists, and congrats to all the finalists and winners :o)

Anne Levy

Our pleasure, Kristin. I can't wait to see our new stickers on your book! Congrats to you and "Fire."

Liz in Ink

Oh my GOODNESS, ya'll!!! I am speechless. And honored. Thank you thank you thank you...

And congrats to all the winners -- what a lovely list!

Heidi Estrin

Excellent list! All the titles I'm familiar with totally deserve this, and I can't wait to read the rest!

Heidi R. Kling

Love your choices! ALL THE WORLD and WATCH ME THROW THE BALL are two of our family favorites. Excited to see CRACKED UP TO BE here as well.


Laini Taylor

Thank you thank you thank you, judges and nominating committee!!!! I'm THRILLED!!!!! What a wonderful Valentine's treat :-)


What a wonderful job all the committees did in selecting winners from a group of excellent books.Thank you very much.

Will there be bookmarks available again this year? I love to promote the winners at our library. Kirsten


Hey Kirsten:

I'm not sure about bookmarks. We are way behind in our fundraising but will hopefully make up for it once stickers become available for sale.

I will keep everyone posted.



Great work by the Cybils teams and congratulations to the winners. What a great list!

holly cupala

Congratulations to all!


**Congratulations to the Winners!! great effort done by whole team .Thumps up for you all ......

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