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Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Sounds like you have a budding Hemingway on your hands!

I just love the apparently disjointed and non-linear story-telling of kids at that age. It really makes you wonder what is going on inside their little heads!

Jared: As long as Seth drinks a lot less and has a happier ending.

Chip: Actually, I'm amazed it comes out as organized as it does, considering... But yes, it is a wonder what is happening inside the head.

Can you believe he remembers his broken leg three years ago? Seth even remembers his cast color. I don't remember much from before the age of 9 or so.

Um, uh, honey, he remembers his cast color because there's a big ol' photo of it as the background on your laptop. And I mention it to him every time I have the laptop on, which is every day.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Sometimes I forget I went to the toilet too.

Parents are just too busy.

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