Yikes, where has the week gone? Damn, I miss my son's naps. That was my only time to sit and stew and write a bit. Think anyone would notice if I slipped a Unisom or two into his peanut butter sandwiches?
A few highlights of days past:
Look ma, no clothes! My son has declared our household a clothing-optional resort. Some fun things to do while naked include racing around slapping your belly screaming, "I'm dancing naked!" even when there's no music. Insist on having it videotaped. Other fun events include wriggling in front of a full-length mirror and clutching your thingee. When anyone asks what you're doing, state the obvious: "I'm naked."
Feels so goooooood. In another of Minitaur's fits of nekkidity, I noticed he had a few dry patches of skin. I taught him to rub some lotion on his legs and tummy. I stupidly left the room, then a minute later realized there would probably be lotion all over the carpet by now. There wasn't. But there also wasn't any on his legs or tummy, but quite a big gob on a certain appendage in between. He had a big, ol' smile on his face too. His father's reaction: "That's my boy."
It's my potty and I'll pee if I want to. We are deep in the throes of potty training, and it's going so easily I keep wanting to ask if this is really my son. Are you the same pint-sized banshee who didn't wean until 22 months and didn't sleep eight hours straight until age two and who, to this day, buries his cold little toes under my tummy at night? It seems I get a break this time. I'm owed. Big time. Anyway, he's into it. Any excuse to whip out his pipi is fine with him. It's his new favorite toy, which he apparently likes to keep well lubricated (see previous item).
It's around here someplace. Ask Minitaur to find his bellybutton and he points to his pipi. Tell him that's wrong, that's his pipi, where's your bellybutton? And he points around back to his tuchus. No, sweetie, that's the hole in your bottom. Where's your bellybutton. He thinks about this for a moment, then points to his pipi again. Must be a trick question, he figures.
For some reason, this entire post is about my son's genitalia. Someday my son will sue me over this, I'm sure. I guess I should hide the videos in that case.
Too funny, Anne. The "that's my boy" comment from your husband reminds me of when I gave birth to my son. You know how at first their genitals are swollen? My husband was so proud..I believe there was a similar "that's my boy," uttered then, too. Men! : )
Posted by: lapdwife | February 09, 2005 at 07:26 PM
Posted by: brettdl | February 09, 2005 at 07:28 PM
The lotion incident is likely to be repeated, and often, say, around 12 years from now.
Posted by: Gooch | February 09, 2005 at 08:49 PM
You crack me up.
Posted by: Michelle | February 09, 2005 at 09:34 PM
Regarding potty training, he must have decided one day that this was something that he wanted to do. As long as he doesn't ask, "Mommy, I want condoms," you should be fine.
Posted by: Ontario Emperor | February 09, 2005 at 11:04 PM
Note to self, do not drink while reading IE's blog. Side effects include uncontrolled snorking and spraying of monitor with aforementioned beverage :)
Posted by: Kitty | February 10, 2005 at 03:58 AM
The scary thing is, the Empress is not making any of this up. She's not embellishing a wee bit.
Posted by: brettdl | February 10, 2005 at 07:06 AM
Awesome post Anne! I'm going through the same thing with my kids (5 and 2). I often bathe them together and thus must answer their curious little questions about their different parts.
I thought I'd made progress when I saw my 2 year old pulling her diaper up and down peek-a-boo style, going "Where's my magina? There it is!" But then she pointed to her belly button and proudly said "My penis!"
Paging Dr. Freud . . .
Posted by: Aimless | February 11, 2005 at 11:10 AM
Oy, I've been too busy to even answer the comments. Sorry. It's that whole motherhood thing -- Don't I get the occasional day off? Huh?
I owe all of you comments on your blogs. Please accept my weasely little apology for my absence. Gulp.
Posted by: Anne | February 14, 2005 at 09:11 AM