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July 18, 2005


I can't get to it because I don't subscribe.

Good Luck on Friday!

Thanks! The local Chabad gave me a copy of a prayer (the 121st psalm, I think) to stick under my pillow, but I doubt they'll let me take it into the operating room. Even so, it made me feel even more revved up. Kowabunga! (I think that's Hebrew for "bring it on!")

Pyschotoddler: You just have to register on the site. Everything on the LA Times site is now free.

OK, so now there's one more internet site that has my personal information (at least I gave a fake phone number).

Kudos again on your publication. I'm not sure why we need science fiction/fantasy aimed at teenagers. When I was a teen, I read the real stuff and turned out just fine thankyouverymuch.

Although I understand that adult fantasy is much racier than it was in my day.

Oh and today is the big day--good luck!

I loved your LA Times review! I actually found it because editor PNH blogged asking for a copy at http://www.livejournal.com/users/pnh/14655.html?nc=17

Not only was I delighted that you liked my friends' work, but I was so glad you were able to fit in those smart and interesting comments about the need for good YA short fiction that rides the interstices between Kid and Adult - there are many many lines of YA novels, but right now Sharyn November (http://www.sharyn.org/) of Viking/Firebird seems to be the only person regularly creating a market for YA short fiction.

What's more, I've started a discussion called "teens in the interstices" on the Interstitial Arts Discussion Board, at

You are going to be much too busy with new baby (welcome, little one!), I know . . . but when you need a break, maybe you'll come visit our website?

Thanks for your good work, and congratulations on LATimes and Baby in one month!

Ellen: Thanks so much for the links. I've bookmarked Interstitial Arts and can't wait to get back to reading.

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