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March 15, 2006


I'm not Jewish (or even particularly religious at all, for that matter) but it always seemed to me that none of the world's major religions are particularly respectful of women. It's one reason that I don't spend a lot of time in church.

Well, y'know, they were invented at a time when women were considered chattel property, and religion usually beats us with the "shame" stick till we're stupid.

It's small wonder a lot of women get more out of yoga class. Yoga only hurts until you get used to it.

That's too bad since Esther's one of the few biblical women I can think of who isn't portrayed as a wanton floozy (Delilah, Bathsheba), or the downfall of humankind (Eve). Until now, I was kind of jealous of Purim. All catholics get is a sexless mother Mary or Mary the hooer.

Hey "spondmom" welcome aboard! We missed you at the park yesterday. I had bags and bags o' books to give away.

"Well, y'know, they were invented at a time when women were considered chattel property, and religion usually beats us with the "shame" stick till we're stupid."

Sad but true. It's just... well, can't Priesthoods grow up a little bit? Move on? Admit that perhaps the things written a couple of thousand years ago by flawed men might not fit in too well with today's reality?

Either way, your son makes a great king. Very imperial!

Written by flawed men? You mean by Gawd Almighty himself! With big flashes of lightening and stone tablets and stuff!

Yeah, my son's a cutie. He was utterly terrified the whole time and clung to me like velcro. A very imperial Mama's boy. :-)

I was at the park early but, worried about the possibility of imminent construction, I went to the mall again, which was probably for the best, since miss thang was in a MOOD. She vented her aggression on the rubberized vehicle and logslide.

Seth looks adorable by the way. From your hubby's post it sounds like he had fun too. Congrats on 1st prize. :)

Oh, and if you have anymore books to give away, I'm your girl.

I'm speaking as a non-Jew, but perhaps it's more accurate to say that Reform is "more secular" rather than "more liberal," and thus more willing to place Esther in the pantheon (heh) with Belle, Ariel, Jasmine, Pocahontas, and the rest.

I've never really mused on the strength of Esther before, but there are few women in the Bible that compare with her. Despite Ruth's goodness and devotion, you get the feeling that the only point of the entire Book of Ruth is just to say "and this marriage led to David!" And many of the other women in the Bible, though strong (such as Priscilla in my New Testament), are relatively minor characters.

OE: I read your post on Priscilla and it sounds like she was a sort of early Christian "rebetzin" (rabbi's wife) who welcomed people to her home and taught them to live Jewishly -- or in this case, as a righteous Christian. Nice that the New Testament acknowledges this very traditional role so prominently.

As for secular vs. liberal, you could probably devote a whole blog to that dichotomy, and I'm sure someone has. Cheers.

Congrats to your son on his great costume win. Esther has always been my youngest daughter's favorite (and not because she'd been Disneyfied) since she was close to your son's age - she's now in her late teens. The bloggings from you and your husband both are great to read. Thanks!

Our girls don't dress up as princesses. They were a clown and a butterfly this year. And the one in college dressed up as "80's Girl."

Leg warmers and all? :)

Hello ! This is very [url=http://www.google.com/bb497]good[/url] site !!

I miss my Inland Empress blogging! Hearing her comments on kidlit just isn't the same.

Anyway, if anyone ever ventures upon this post, I just wanted to point out that a Christian blog has delved through the genealogies in I Chronicles to find Sheerah, who just happened to build a few cities, which would have required her to have authority over the men who were on the construction crews. The blogger's comment: "I wonder if Sheerah was barely mentioned, how many truly talented women leaders were not mentioned at all…"

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